
About us:

The Association of Danish Landscape Architects (DL) is an organization of interests with influence in a number of professional organizations, ministries and grassroots associations. We actively participate in the political debate, where we work to make our work as landscape architects more visible. We create a framework for networks and activities that enhance your professional development.

We currently have about 800 members, of which 200 are students. Everyone must use the title ‘landscape architect’. But only graduated landscape architects with a membership at DL may add MDL to its title. Student members from respectively Copenhagen Univesitet and the School of Architecture in Copenhagen and Aarhus may add the title stud.hort.arch.MDL or stud.arch.MDL.

Members of the association fill various positions; municipal or state, project planning or in operation and management. The workplaces include in private drawing rooms, in administrations, in cemeteries, in housing companies and in teaching or research.

Danish Landscape Architects takes care of the members’ professional interests, regardless of the work of the landscape architect.

In corporation with Danish Association of Architects we publish the highly esteemed magazine Landskab which has English photo captions and summary. You can subscribe for the magazine Landskab here. Read more details here and free download of older issues from 1920 – 2017 here.

We cooperate with Landscape Architects’ Association under JA, Danish Association of Architectural Firms, the Park and Nature Managers, the Association of Architects and Designers, Danish Gardeners, Danish Association of Architects, The Danish Town Planning Institute and Danish Lighting Center. The collaboration contributes to an individual and shared strength, and the diversity of professionalism increases.

We are part of the joint ‘Nordic Board’; a forum for landscape architectural associations. Outside the Nordic region, the association participates in international cooperation such as the International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA).

Find the association’s statutes here (only in Danish)


Candidates and students from the following educations can become members of the association:

  • A foreign education that corresponds to the above and that is approved by IFLA Europe.

It is also possible to become a member if you have worked as a landscape architect for at least two years but has not graduated any of the institutions mentioned. In that case, you must send an application containing:

  • Degree papers.
  • CV of professional work.
  • Examples of 3-5 landscape projects
    • Communicated in text, drawing, etc.
    • Preferably supplemented by visual material.
  • The projects are listed with:
    • Year
    • Your role
    • Status (e.g. whether the project has been realized).

The application is sent as a single PDF to the secretariat: [email protected] – then our assessment committee will review the application. It is free to apply for membership with DL. We look forward to hearing from you.

Download a list of our members here: Membershiplist

Become a member: Registration form

Read more about our QUARTERLY MEMBERSHIP FEE here: Membership fee

Member benefits:

  • Network – As a member you are part of a strong association of colleagues, professionals and collaborators.
  • News – We ensure that you are kept updated with the latest news in the profession via newsletters, events, excursions and the magazine ‘Landskab’ that has English photo captions and summary.
  • Influence – As a member you have a great opportunity of asserting influence on the organization and on the political agenda for the profession.
  • Title MDL – A protected title and a professional seal of quality of you as a landscape architect.
  • In addition, you receive a member’s discount on books, magazines and courses.


There are plenty of opportunities to improve your competences as a landscape architect. DL arranges courses, lectures, field trips and conferences on various themes ranging from improving your computer skills to park- and garden tours. Events are updated regularly – look under “AKTUELT”

Do you have suggestions for events that may be of interest to the members? Please mail to: [email protected]

Several other organisations offer courses particularly for landscape architects:

Architects Association:

University of Copenhagen

School of Architecture:

Aarhus School of Architecture:

Landscape offices:

See a list of offices here


Plads til sammenhæng – Sundstrup Havn, Viborg / ArkPlan Landskabsarkitekter

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